Val Ballein

Finance Manager

Life Story:

I grew up in a religion that taught that works are a necessary component of getting to heaven.  After spending most of the first 38 years of my life being in church at least twice a week, I can honestly say that I had never heard the gospel.  My family owned a bible but it was never opened.

When my husband and I moved our family to a new neighborhood, my next door neighbor and I would go on long walks.  She introduced the idea that being a Christian was different than I had been taught.  At first this made me kind of angry but over time it made me curious.  She invited me to a bible study. The topic that year was the Life of Moses.  I had so little knowledge of the bible that I thought I had the wrong type because I couldn’t find the book of Moses!

While studying the construction of the tabernacle, we looked at the passages in the New Testament that dealt with the tearing of the curtain in the temple at the time of Jesus’ death.  All my life I thought the curtain was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died because God the Father was angry that his son had been killed.  But the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that the curtain that had separated the people from the holy of holies was torn because Jesus’ death was the ultimate sacrifice to end the need for any other sacrifice.  I realized that I could not add anything to the completed work of Jesus.  

Over time and as I continued to study the bible,the realization of all that was accomplished by the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus has served to humble me in appreciation for the free gift of salvation that has been given to me.  The concern and anxiety that plagued my youth about whether I was good enough or if the sins I committed were going to send me to hell were replaced with the assurance that I have an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading. (1 Peter 1:4).

Hopes for our church: 

My hope for Restoration Church is that our proclamation of the truth is never compromised or watered down and that glorifying God is at the center of all we do. I hope that we are humbled by the opportunity to participate in the work of God to build His Kingdom and that we are passionate about making disciples.